Articles by Laurence M. Vance on Foreign Aid

Book Review: The Road to Hell, The Freeman, June 1997

"The Foreign Aid Debacle," The Free Market, December 2000

"Not Tax-Funded Aid to Myanmar," Mises Daily, May 2008

"Should the U.S. Military Go to Haiti?", January 2010

"Egypt and U.S. Foreign Policy," Campaign for Liberty, February 2011

"Condolences Yes, Assistance No," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, March 2011

"Republicans and Foreign Aid,", June 2014

"Exporting Welfare," The New American, August 11, 2014

"Conservatives and Foreign Aid," FFF Daily," May 2017

"Time to End All Foreign Aid," FFF Daily," April 2019

"Conservatives and the Looting of America," FFF Daily, September 2019

"The Question that Is Never Asked About U.S. Military Aid to Ukraine,", November 2019

"Foreign Aid Folly,", September 2020

"A Dangerous Opinion,", December 2020

"Conservative Hypocrisy on Foreign Aid," FFF Daily, January 2021

"Disaster Relief, Foreign Aid, and Ukraine" FFF Daily, September 2023

"Foreign Aid Shows True Nature of Conservatism," FFF Daily, October 2023

"Foreign Aid Is the Problem, Not Senator Menendez,", October 2023

"A Question for Christians Who Support Foreign Aid to Israel,", May 2024