Articles by Laurence M. Vance on Government

"The Fluoridation Question," The Free Market, January 2002

"The 108th Congress: An Analysis,, January 2005

"This Land Is Not Your Land,", August 2005

"The State Conquers the Parking Lot," Mises Daily, August 2005

"Who Owns the Parking Lots?" The Free Market, October 2005

"Lessons from a Bloated Budget," Freedom Daily, November 2010

"Time to Rein in Federal Spending," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, December 2010

"The Twelve Days of Christmas (Government Version),", December 2010

"Good for the ATF," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, February 2011

"The Fluoridation Question Revisited," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, March 2011

"Is There a Right to Live Where You Choose?" Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, April 2011

"Thoughts on the Killing of Osama bin Laden,", May 2011

"Not Even the Sky Is the Limit," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, May 2011

"Shut It Down!" Campaign for Liberty, May 2011

"Strong Helmets and the Stronger Hand of Government," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, May 2011

"Whither U.S. Energy Policy?" Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, July 2011

"The Cause of Current U.S. Deficits and Debt," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, July 2011

"Liberty and License," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, July 2011

"President Obama on the Role of Government," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, August 2011

"Yes We Can," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, August 2011

"The Unessential Air Service Program," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, August 2011

"Rolling Back the Myth of Good Government," Freedom Daily, August 2011

"Antitrust Is Central Planning," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, September 2011

"The Real Problem with Solyndra," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, September 2011

"Handicapped Parking and a Free Society," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, October 2011

"The Supreme Court and Obamacare," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, October 2011

"Nuremberg, Eichmann, and Extra-Judicial Murder,", October 2011

"Murder Inc.," Lew, October 2011

"Statist Baggage on the Airlines," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, December 2011

"Food Stamp Politicians," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, January 2012

"Consolidate or Eliminate?" Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, February 2012

"Key Elements to a Successful Federal Budget,", April 2012

"The Regulatory State Gone Wild," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, April 2012

"Florida Doubles Down on Cuba Restrictions," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, April 2012

"Ban the Public Library," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, May 2012

"Paul Ryan's Faith-Based Budget,", May 2012

"Uncle Sam Is a Sugar Daddy," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, July 2012

"Who Should Feed the Children?" Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, August 2012

"Citizens United and the First Amendment," Future of Freedom, August 2012

"Government Impossible," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, October 2012

"The Real Fiscal Cliff," FFF Daily, November 2012

"Is a Balanced Budget the Answer?" FFF Daily, December 2012

"Who Should Support the Disabled?" FFF Daily, December 2012

"57 Good Things about the Sequester," The New American, March 6, 2013

"What Sequestration Should Really Look Like," FFF Daily, March 2012

"Liberals, Conservatives, and the Welfare State," FFF Daily, March 2012

"The Food Stamp Juggernaut," FFF Daily, July 2013

"A Flood of Government Intervention," FFF Daily, November 2013

"The Future of Food Stamps," FFF Daily, January 8, 2014

"Bye Bye Debt Limit," The New American, March 24, 2014

"Conservatives and Chocolate Milk," FFF Daily, May 2014

"The Transportation 'Fiscal Cliff,'" FFF Daily, July 2014

"Leave Should Be Left to the Market," FFF Daily, July 2014

"Should the Export-Import Bank Be Reauthorized?" FFF Daily, August 2014

"Time to Cut the Card," FFF Daily, October 2014

"Gross Lunches, Grosser Republicans,", December 2014

"Government Maximums and Minimums," FFF Daily, February 2014

"How to Shrink the Government's Carbon Footprint," FFF Daily, April 2014

"Assisted Suicide: A Problem of the Government’s Own Making,", April 2015

"The Problem Is the State Not the Standard," FFF Daily, May 2014

"Can the Government Ban Anything?", August 2015

"Fifty Years of Socialized Art and Culture," FFF Daily, October 2015

"Support Your Local Police?", October 2015

"Time to Retire the NIH," FFF Daily, December 2015

"Missing the Real Issue on Welfare,", July 2016

"Government Licensing or Private Certification," Future of Freedom, August 2016

"Republicans and CAFE Standards," FFF Daily, August 2016

"A Libertarian Perspective on Family Leave,", October 2016

"The Supreme Court, Federalism, and Limited Government," FFF Daily, November, 2016

"Sanctioning Evil,", December 2016

"Time to Smack Down the Small Business Administration," FFF Daily, January 2017

"Parking Spaces and Property Rights,", January 2017

"Cutting Government Waste Is Not Enough," FFF Daily, January 2017

"Let the States Decide," Future of Freedom, September 2016

"It Is Congress that Needs to Be Limited," Future of Freedom, January 2017

"The Irrelevancy of Trump's Cabinet Picks," Future of Freedom, May 2017

"We Already Have a Universal Basic Income,", June 2017

"Why Planned Parenthood Should Be Defunded," FFF Daily, July 2017

"Mission to Mars,", August 2017

"How Not to Cut Welfare Spending," Future of Freedom, June 2017

"Time to Shut It Down," FFF Daily, December 2017

"Welfare Work Requirements,", January 2018

"Of Course It's Welfare," FFF Daily, January 2018

"Why Not End Funding Now?" FFF Daily, February 2018

"Why Is the Government Still Regulating the Railroads?" FFF Daily, April 2018

"Five Hundred Days of the Welfare/Warfare/Police State," FFF Daily, June 2018

"Balanced Budget Baloney," Future of Freedom, August 2018

"Why Stop with Truman?" FFF Daily, October 2018

"We Have a Farm Bill," FFF Daily, January 2019

"Wall or No Wall," FFF Daily, January 2019

"Space Exploration,", January 2019

"Your Tax Dollars at Work," Future of Freedom," January 2019

"Let the Government Do It,", April 2019

"Time to End the Postal Monopoly," Future of Freedom, April 2019

"Should People Be Paid for Not Working?" FFF Daily, June 2019

"Americans Didn't Need the Original New Deal," Future of Freedom," July 2019

"Why Not Eliminate Both Departments?", August 2019

"Radio Hypocrisy," FFF Daily, August 2019

"Should There Be a Federal Cap on Interest Rates?" FFF Daily, August 2019

"Caution: Government May Be Hazardous to Your Liberty," FFF Daily, December 2019

"Triple Threat," FFF Daily, February 2020

"All Businesses Matter,", April 2020

"Be Equally Aware of Government Scams," FFF Daily, April 2020

"The Profitability of Amtrak Is Not the Issue," FFF Daily, May 2020

"The Government's Ten Commandments,", May 2020

"Government Tyranny Should Come As No Surprise,", May 2020

"Government Licensing Is Just As Illegitimate,", May 2020

"Sell NPR to the Highest Bidder," FFF Daily, June 2020

"Government Standards," FFF Daily, June 2020

"The Question Never Asked about Federal Lands," FFF Daily, June 2020

"Progressives, the President, Privatization, and the Post Office,", September 2020

"A Four-Point Plan for Government," Future of Freedom, September 2020

"Business Regulations," FFF Daily, December 2020

"Federalism Is the Best Step," The New American, April 19, 2021

"The Seven Deadly Sins of Government," Future of Freedom, June 2021

"A Senseless Test," FFF Daily, August 2021

"No One Should Need Government Permission to Work," FFF Daily, September 2021

"Contactless Government," Future of Freedom, November 2021

"Should the Government Keep People from Harming Themselves?", December 2021

"Abolish OSHA," FFF Daily, January 2022

"Time to Put Uncle Sam on a Diet, FFF Daily, March 2022

"There Is No Federal Solution," Future of Freedom, April 2022

"The Pledge Still Ought to Be Scrapped,", August 2022

"There Is Such a Thing As a Free Lunch," FFF Daily, September 2022

"Five Trillion Dollars Is Not Enough," FFF Daily, November 2022

"When Will Congress Admit Its Mistakes?" Future of Freedom, November 2022

"Why Does NPR Still Exist?" FFF Daily, April 2023

"America's Comeback," Future of Freedom, April 2023

"Republicans Miss the Point on Government Regulations," FFF Daily, August 2023

"House Republicans Are Incorrigible Warmongers,", August 2023

"Drug Testing for Welfare Benefits Is a Good Thing, but Not Why You Think,",  November 2023

"Two Payments, More Payments, Higher Payments, or No Payments?" FFF Daily, June 2024