Articles by Laurence M. Vance on Taxation

"Friedman’s Mistake," The Free Market, November 1996

Book Review: Global Taxes for World Government, The Freeman, September 1998

"Tax Credit or Income Transfer?", April 2004

"Time for a National Review of Gas Taxes,", May 2004

"The Republican Welfare State (Yet Again)," Mises Daily, April 2005

"The Curse of the Withholding Tax,” Mises Daily, April 2005

"The FairTax Fraud,” Mises Daily, May 2005

"Down with the Withholding Tax," The Free Market, July 2005

"There Is No Such Thing As a Fair Tax," Mises Daily, December 2005

"Flat Tax Folly," Mises Daily, April 2006

"Dear Congressman,", June 2006

"The Fraudulent Tax," Mises Daily, October 2006

"Funding Leviathan, Part 1," Freedom Daily, March 2007

"Funding Leviathan, Part 2," Freedom Daily, April 2007

"Real Tax Reform,” Mises Daily," April 2007

"Is Making Taxes ‘Fair’ the Answer?" The New American, May 12, 2008

"There Is Still No Such Thing As a Fair Tax," Mises Daily, May 2008

"The Flat Tax Is Not Flat," The New American, October 21, 2008

"The Flat Tax Is Not Flat and the Fair Tax Is Not Fair," Mises Daily, April 2009

Reflections on the IRS: "Working for no one but him," Liberty, May 2009

"Taxes: Are the Rich Paying Their Fair Share?" The New American, April 8, 2010

Reflections on the Flat Tax: "Taxed out," Liberty, April 2010

"Can a Tax Be 'Fair'?" Campaign for Liberty, April 2010

"Tax Cuts for the Good Guys," The New American, November 11, 2010

"A Libertarian View of the Estate Tax," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, December 2010

"Cut the Tax Cuts," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, December 2010

"Is GE Paying Its Fair Share?" Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, April 2011

"The Flat Tax Is Not Flat and the FairTax Is Not Fair,", May 2011

"Tax Credits Are Not Subsidies," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, June 2011

"Why Do Republicans Want to Raise Taxes?" Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, September 2011

"Taxing the Rich," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, October 2011

"Pay Up or Die,", February 2012

"Stupid Rule, Stupid Republicans,", February 2012

"Tax-Credit Hypocrisy," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, March 2012

"Welfare for the Masses," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, March 2012

"Our Marxist Tax Code," The New American, April 10, 2012

"When a Flat Tax Is Still a Progressive Tax," The New American, September 18, 2012

"Americans Are Already Double and Triple Taxed," The New American, October 1, 2012

"Should More People Pay Taxes?" Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, October 2012

"Republicans Miss the Point on Tax Cuts," Future of Freedom Foundation Commentaries, November 2012

"Tax Credit or Income Transfer?" The New American, April 1, 2013

"All Taxation Is Theft," FFF Daily, April 2013

"The Worst Part of the Constitution,", April 2013

"The Importance of Tax Deductions," The New American, April 24, 2013

"Why Were the Bush Tax Cuts Not Initially Made Permanent?", May 2013

"Where Is the Conservative Outrage over the IRS?" FFF Daily, June 2013

"Winning an Olympic Gold Medal Can Be a Taxing Experience," FFF Daily, March 2014

"Republicans and Refundable Tax Credits,", April 2014

"Taxes: Are the Poor Paying Their Fair Share?" The New American, April 14, 2014

"The Implications of Revenue-Neutral Tax Reform," FFF Daily, May 2014

"Why Not Five Percent?" The New American, July 14, 2014

"Progressive Tax Reform,", July 2014

"Sound Tax Policy,", September 2014

"Conservatives Just Don't Get It on Taxes," FFF Daily, January 2015

"Why Do Some Republicans Want to Raise Your Taxes?", January 2015

"Obama's Tax Proposals: A Libertarian Analysis,", January 2015

"What Is the Libertarian View of Taxes?", February 2015

"Subsidize the Poor, Soak the Rich,", April 2015

"The Flat Tax Revisited,", July 2015

"No Tax Is Libertarian," PanAm Post, July 2015

"Why Do Libertarians Pay Taxes?", July 2015

"The Forgotten Tax Increase,", January 2016

"10 Other Things You Absolutely Need to Know about Taxes,", January 2016

"The Fatal Flaw," Future of Freedom, February 2016

"The Clinton-Sanders-Republican Principles of Taxation," FFF Daily, February 2016

"The Refundable Tax Credit Scam,", March 2016

"The Line 24 Tax Deduction,", April 2016

"Getting It Backwards on Welfare and Tax Deductions," FFF Daily, June 2016

"Abolish the Corporate Income Tax," FFF Daily, September 2016

"Republican Tax Scams,", October 2016

"Six Other Reasons to Lower the Corporate Tax Rate Immediately,", May 2017

"Trump's Tax Plan: A Brief Libertarian Analysis,", May 2017

"The SALT Deduction,", June 2017

"We Already Have a Universal Basic Income,", June 2017

"Americans Are Quadruple Taxed,", July 2017

"Do Tax Deductions Violate the Non-Aggression Principle?", July 2017

"How to Pay for Tax Cuts,", August 2017

"Feeling Helpless against the IRS?" Future of Freedom, September 2017

"Mayweather's Next Fight," The New American, September 2017

"The Implication of Revenue-Neutral Tax Reform," Forbes, September 2017

"The GOP Tax Reform Plan: A Preliminary Libertarian Analysis,", October 2017

"What Is the Optimal Top Marginal Income Tax Rate?" FFF Daily, October 2017

"The GOP Tax Reform Plan: A Libertarian Analysis,", November 2017

"Conservatives and Libertarians for Higher Taxes,", November 2017

"What Makes Tax Reform Libertarian?", December 2017

"Of Course Tax Cuts Benefit the Rich," The New American, December 28, 2017

"The Welfare Expanding Tax Reform Bill,", January 2018

"Paycheck Plus Welfare," Future of Freedom, January 2018

"Welfare that Dare Not Speak It's Name," The New American, March 14, 2018

"Kamala Harris Must Be a Republican,", January 2019

"Tax the Rich?", January 2019

"Your Tax Dollars at Work," Future of Freedom, January 2019

"Tax Cut or Welfare Increase," FFF Daily," May 2019

"Please Tax Us,", July 2019

"We Need More Tax Credits and Loopholes,", August 2019

"Americans Certainly Do Need a Payroll Tax Cut," FFF Daily, September 2019

"The Specter of Communism Is Haunting Illinois," Future of Freedom, September 2019

"Hands off My Cadillac," FFF Daily, October 2019

"Are Americans Undertaxed?" Future of Freedom, March 2020

"What All the Democratic Presidential Candidates Have in Common," FFF Daily, March 2020

"Joe Biden Inadvertently Schools Conservatives and Libertarians on Tax Deductions,",  March 2020

"The Wrong Solution to Welfare Marriage Penalties," FFF Daily, March 2020

"Right Policy, Wrong Reason," FFF Daily, April 2020

"Trump, Taxes, and the Rich,", October 2020

"The UBI, CTC, EITC, and the GOP," FFF Daily, April 2021

"Is There a VAT in Our Future?" Future of Freedom, August 2021

"Rich Liberals See the Light on Higher Taxes,", October 2021

"Is Elon Musk Paying His Fair Share? FFF Daily, January 2022

"The Fair Tax Is the Tax that Will Not Die," Mises Wire, June 2022

"No One Should Have His Tax Returns Released," FFF Daily, January 2023

"Libertarian Plan to Simplify Taxpaying Misses the Mark," FFF Daily, May 2023

"'Tax Expenditures' Is a Misnomer," Future of Freedom, August 2023

"Proud to Pay?", February 2024

"It's Not Just Liberals Who Are Clamoring for Tax Increases," FFF Daily, February 2024

"What's Wrong with Biden's Housing Tax Credit?", April 2024

"The Flat Tax Revisited Yet Again," FFF Daily, May 2024

"Why Not Eliminate Taxes on All Income?" FFF Daily, June 2024